![]() | Talks + Slides& upcoming meetings |
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Mar 30 - Apr 6 | Theory Summary | Moriond QCD, La Thuile, IT |
Jan 29 - 31 | New Developments in Theory
Uncertainties [pdf] (presented remotely) |
CMS Top Workshop, Ghent, BE |
Jan 14 | QCD strings, junctions, strangeness, and beyond [pdf] | Theoretical Physics Seminar, Lund U, SE |
Jan 13 - 14 | Feasibility for low-sqrt(s) runs at FCC-ee (presented by A. Verbytskyi) |
8th FCC Physics Workshop, CERN |
Jan 2 - 7 | Monte Carlo Event Generators (2 x 45') |
Nordic Conference on Particle Physics, Skeikampen, NO |
Dec 17 | Feasibility for low-sqrt(s) runs at FCC-ee (presented by A. Verbytskyi) |
FCC-ee QCD & photon-photon physics meeting, CERN |
Dec 3 | QCD Strings - junctions, strangeness, popcorn and
beyond [pdf] (presented by J. Altmann) |
AIP Congress, Melbourne, AUS |
Oct 9 | High-Energy Physics (for 1st-year students) [pdf] | PHS1022x, Monash University, Melbourne, AUS |
Aug 18 - Sep 15 | Week 1 Welcome and Introductions
[pdf] Week 2 Welcome and Introductions [pdf] Week 3 Welcome and Introductions [pdf] |
Tightening the Gap between Scattering Amplitudes and Events at the LHC at Higher Orders, Aspen Centre for Physics, CO |
Aug 15 | Beauty at Infinity
[pdf] Visualisation of Jets in ee Annihilation [mp4] |
Symposium on Dynamical Systems: a celebration of Rosemary Mardling's Career, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Jul 31 | Impressions from Oxford [pdf] | HEP Group Meeting, Monash U, AUS |
Jul 8 - 12 | Soft QCD Review
[pdf] (remote) |
22nd International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2024), Puerto Vallarta, MX |
Jun 28 | Heavy Flavours in PYTHIA — Status and News [pdf] | LHC Heavy Flavour WG topical meeting: Simulation techniques, CERN |
May 24 | Emergent Phenomena at High Energies [pdf] | Bohr Seminar, U of Manchester, UK |
May 16 | The challenge of fragmentation modelling (15') [pdf] | ECFA H→ss WG Meeting, CERN |
May 13 | NNLO Matching in VINCIA [pdf] | QCD Seminar, CERN |
May 10 | Emergent Phenomena at High Energies [pdf] | Theoretical Physics Colloquium, U of Oxford, UK |
Apr 29 - May 3 | Welcome [pdf] (Organiser) |
PYTHIA Week 2024, U of Oxford, UK |
Apr 26 | The Modelling of LHC Collisions in PYTHIA - Physics and Uncertainties [pdf] | ATLAS Group Meeting, U of Oxford, UK |
Apr 24 | PYTHIA Tutorial | U of Oxford, UK |
Apr 8 - 11 | Anatomy of Hadron Collisions - And Future Challenges [pdf] | IOP Joint APP, HEPP and NP Conference, Liverpool, UK |
Mar 20 | Anatomy of Hadron Collisions - And Future Challenges [pdf] | Theory Colloquium, CERN, CH |
Mar 13 |
Update on MCplots (presented by N. Korneeva) |
Monash-Warwick Alliance for Particle Physics (MWAPP) Meeting |
Mar 12 | Oxford Theoretical Studies of Particles and Strings retreat, Oxford, UK | |
Mar 5 - 6 | Non-Perturbative Aspects of Event Simulation (Set of 2 lectures, here divided into three 10-20 minute videos each) |
Graduate Lectures in QCD, U of Oxford, UK |
Mar 1 | NNLO + Strings [pdf] | HEP Phenomeonology joint Cavendish-DAMTP Seminar, Cambridge, UK |
Feb 28 | The Modelling of LHC Collisions in PYTHIA - Physics and Uncertainties [pdf] | Cavendish HEP Seminar, Cambridge, UK |
Feb 26 | (remote participation) | Discussion of theoretical systematics in LHC precision measurements, CERN, CH |
Jan 22-25 | The MCPLOTS Resource for Event-Generator
Validation [pdf] (presented by N. Korneeva) |
Workshop on the tuning of hadronic interaction models, Wuppertal, DE |
Jan 8 - 10 | Recent Developments in Vincia and Pythia [pdf] | Zurich Phenomenology Workshop (ZPW24) "Particle Physics from LHC to Future Colliders", Zurich, CH |
Dec 13 - 15 | PYTHIA News and Modelling Uncertainties [pdf] | ATLAS End-of-Year Physics Plenary Meeting, CERN, CH |
Dec 12 - 14 | Non-perturbative physics in precision event simulations [pdf] | Annual Theory Meeting, Durham, UK |
Dec 4 | PYTHIA for Belle II Conditions [pdf] | Belle II Physics Meeting |
Nov 30 | String Junctions at the Large Hadron Collider [pdf] | Particle Theory Seminar, Oxford, UK |
Nov 23 | Event-Generator Tuning - Overview [pdf] | PanScales Week, Oxford, UK |
Nov 20 - 24 | PYTHIA Overview [pdf] | MPI@LHC, Manchester, UK |
Nov 17 | Self-Introduction [pdf] | South East QCD Meeting, Oxford, UK |
Nov 13 - 14 | Input from Vincia and Monash-Warwick Collaborations [pdf] | Event Generators' and N(n)LO codes' Acceleration, CERN, CH |
Oct 27 | Emergent Phenomena at High Energies - Their Beauty and Challenges [pdf] | Higgs Centre Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK |
Oct 19 | Anatomy of a Hadron Collision - And Challenges for the Future [pdf] | Particle Theory Seminar, U of Oxford, UK |
Oct 19 | The Multipole QED shower in VINCIA and Interleaved Resonance Decays [pdf] | Monash-Warwick Alliance in Particle Physics (MWAPP) Meeting |
Oct 10 - 13 | 2nd ECFA Workshop on e+e- Higgs/EW/Top Factories, Paestum, IT | |
Sep 15 | Uncertainties in parton showers and non-perturbative models [pdf] | CMS Workshop "Deep Dive on Modelling Uncertainties", CERN, CH |
Sep 11 - 13 | SubirFest 2023, U of Oxford, UK | |
Sep 4 - 8 | Soft QCD and Monte Carlo Generators [pdf] (Convenor) |
QCD@LHC 2023, IPPP, Durham, UK |
Jul 17 - 21 | (Organiser) | 31st International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton Photon 23), Melbourne, AUS |
Jul 7 | Pythia News & Plans (+ Tuning Recommendations) [pdf] | ATLAS Generator Infrastructure and Tuning Meeting |
Jun 27 - 28 | Event-Generator Tuning - Overview [pdf] | HSF Event Generator Tuning Workshop |
Jun 7 | Status and progress of VINCIA [pdf] (presented by C. T. Preuss) |
Parton Showers and Resummation (PSR) 2023, Milan-Bicocca U, I |
May 28 - Jun 2 | NNLO Matrix-Element Corrections in VINCIA [pdf] | RADCOR 2023 - 16th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology, Crieff, UK |
May 22 - 26 | Future Plans and Funding Opportunities | PYTHIA Week, Lund, SE |
Apr 24 - 28 | Parton Showers for future e+e- colliders, CERN | |
Mar 26 - 31 | Pythia - for Flavour, Dark-Matter Physics, and Machine Learning [pdf] | Prospecting for New Physics through Flavor, Dark Matter, and Machine Learning, Aspen, CO |
Mar 14 | Status of the MCPlots Project [pdf] | MWAPP Meeting |
Feb 21 | LHC@home checkpoint meeting, CERN, CH | |
Feb 13 - 17 | (Convenor) Hadronization in Pythia 8 [pdf] (presented by J. Altmann) |
QCD Challenges from pp to AA collisions, Padova, IT |
Dec 12 | Studying the role of multi-parton interactions in the production of doubly-heavy hadrons in proton-proton collisions (presented by T. Hadavizadeh) | 24th AIP Congress, Adelaide, AUS |
Nov 29 | Anatomy of an LHC Collision - and Challenges for the Future [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, U of Melbourne, AUS |
Nov 14 - 18 | The role of multi-parton interactions in doubly-heavy hadron production (presented by T. Hadavizadeh) [pdf] | MPI@LHC 2022, Madrid, ES |
Nov 10 | Radiation, recoil, and finite-width effects in top quark decays in Pythia [pdf] | LHC Top Working Group Meeting, CERN |
Nov 9 | Multi-charm baryon production (presented by T. Hadavizadeh) | ALICE Week, CERN |
Oct 20 | The role of multi-parton interactions in doubly-heavy hadron production (presented by M. Vesterinen) | Heavy Flavour 2022, Paris, F |
Oct 11 | Doubly-heavy hadron production: Does double-parton scattering play a role? (presented by T. Hadavizadeh) [pdf] | PHENOmenal Meeting, CERN, CH |
Sep 27 | NNLO Matrix-Element Corrections [pdf] [video] | Science Coffee, Lund U, SE |
Sep 20 - 22 | (Convenor) | 8th International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes (HP2), Newcastle, UK |
Sep 5 - 7 | Optimising the computational footprint in precision particle physics [pdf] | 2nd Sustainable HEP, CERN, CH |
Aug 22 - 25 | NNLO/N3LO Matching to Parton Showers [pdf] | 9th International Conference on Multi-Boson Interactions (MBI 2022), Shanghai, CN |
Jun 30 | Anatomy of an LHC Collision - and Challenges for the Future [pdf] | Theoretical Physics Seminar, Fermilab, IL |
Jun 7-10 | Anatomy of an LHC Collision - and Challenges for the Future [pdf] | PYTHIA Week |
Mar |
Master Class on QFT with Hadrons and Jets
Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Feb 24-25 | Sector Showers & Colour Reconnections [pdf] | CMS Standard Model Workshop - Theory Session |
Dec 6-8 | 23rd MCnet Meeting, Manchester, UK | |
Nov 25 - 26 | QCD-Based Colour Reconnections in Pythia - Status and Prospects [pdf] | Heavy-Ion Physics at High Energy, Padoa, IT |
Aug 23 - 27 | Taming the accuracy of event generators - Part II, CERN, CH | |
Aug 16 | Report on Interleaved Resonance Decays [pdf] | Monash HEP Group Meeting |
Jul 5 - 9 | QCD Challenges and Opportunities at Future Lepton Colliders: set of 2 lectures [pdf]
YETI 2021 Summer School, UK |
May 25 - 27 | Sector Showers with Fixed-Order Corrections (talk by C. Preuss) [pdf] | Parton Showers and Resummation (PSR 21), IPPP Durham (UK) + U Gottingen (D) |
May 24 | Activities on Pythia 8 [pdf] | 2nd Monash-Warwick Alliance Meeting |
Apr 22 | Tuning and Modelling Uncertainties: Ideas from PYTHIA [pdf] | ALICE PhenoMenal Meeting (Virtual) |
Apr 21 | Vincia in Pythia 8.304 [pdf] (presented by S. Mrenna) |
Meeting with CMS (Virtual) |
Apr 19 - 21 | 22nd MCnet Meeting, CERN, CH | |
Apr 12 - 16 | Hands-On Vincia Tutorial for Pythia 8.304 [pdf] Input for a New Pythia 8.3 Tuning [pdf] |
PYTHIA Week, U Jyvaskyla, FIN |
Mar |
Master Class on QFT with Hadrons and Jets
Monash U, Melbourne, AUS (Virtual) |
Mar 2 | Notes on Top Quark Decay Modelling in Pythia [pdf] | ATLAS Top Meeting |
Jan 18 - 21 | QCD Studies at (future) e+e- colliders [pdf] | IAS Program on High Energy Physics (HEP 2021), Hong Kong |
Dec 15 | Monash Activities: Monte Carlo Event Generators [pdf] | Monash-Warwick Particle Physics Alliance Kickoff Meeting |
Nov 11 | On Radiation in Top Quark Decays: RecoilToColoured [pdf] (Zoom) | Meeting with ATLAS Top Group |
Nov 10 | Studies of particle production in pp→jets using transverse multiplicity estimators [pdf] (Zoom) | ALICE Week, CERN, CH |
Nov 2 - 6 | (Organiser) | Tools 2020, IP2I, Lyon, F |
Oct 26 - 28 | MC Generators and Precision QCD at Future e+e- Machines [pdf] (Zoom) | The 2020 International Workshop on the High Energy Circular Electron Positron Collider, Shanghai, CN |
Sep 9 - 11 | 21st MCnet Meeting, Durham, UK (Virtual) | |
Aug 3 - 10 | QCD and Event Generators: set of 3 lectures (Zoom) | 15th CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School (HCPSS), Fermilab, IL (Virtual) |
Jun 29 - Jul 3 | Antenna Showers with 2nd-Order Kernels [pdf] (Vidyo) | Taming the accuracy of event generators, CERN, CH (Virtual) |
Apr 20 - 24 | Electroweak showers and interleaved resonance decays in VINCIA (talk presented by R. Verheyen) | PYTHIA Collaboration Meeting 2020, Lund, S (Virtual) |
Apr 17 | WG5: Making the Case for Accelerator and Particle Physics in Australia [pdf] | Australian Particle Physics Strategy Meeting (Virtual) |
Mar 23 - Apr 3 | Master Class on QFT Applications: Introduction to B Physics | Monash U, Melbourne, AUS (Virtual) |
Mar 2 - 3 | Heavy Flavour Hadronization in PYTHIA [pdf] (Vidyo) | Heavy-Flavour Hadronization in pp and HI collisions at the LHC, CERN, CH |
Jan 16 | Time-Dependent String Tension & String Repulsion in Momentum Space [pdf] | Theoretical Physics Seminar, Lund U, S |
Jan 14 | Emergent Phenomena in High-Energy Particle Collisions [pdf] | Physics Seminar, U of Stavanger, NO |
Dec 3-6 | Colour and Precision Top Physics [pdf] | AIP Summer Meeting, RMIT, Melbourne |
Nov 27-29 | Particle Physics (Phenomenology): set of 2 lectures | Sydney Spring School, UNSW, Sydney, AUS |
Nov 26 | Emergent Phenomena in High-Energy Particle Collisions [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, UNSW, Sydney, AUS |
Nov 14 - 15 | (Vidyo) Pythia and Colour Reconnections [pdf] | LHC top WG Meeting, CERN, CH |
Nov 4 - 8 | (Organiser) | Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP 2019), Adelaide, AUS |
Oct 3 - 4 | Particle Physics and Accelerator Physics Strategy Meeting, AINSE (ANSTO), Sydney, AUS | |
Jun 27 | (Discussion) | Parton Shower Uncertainties in Higgs Measurements, CERN, CH |
Jun 20 | Coherent Showers in Coloured Resonance Decays [pdf] | Theoretical Physics Seminar, Lund U, Sweden |
Jun 11 - 14 | Coherent Showers in Coloured Resonance Decays [pdf] | Parton Showers and Resummation (PSR), Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria |
Apr 8 - 12 | (Chair Organiser) | Pythia Workshop, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Feb 18 - 19 | (Chair Organiser) HEP at Monash: Status and Plans | Australian Meeting on Accelerator-Based Particle Physics, Monash U., Melbourne, AUS |
Jan 22 - 25 | 18th MCnet meeting and MCnetITN3 Mid-Term Review, Louvain-La-Neuve, B |
Nov 19 - 23 | MC Parton Showers and Matching/Merging: set of 2 lectures | MadGraph Phenomenology School, U of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui Province, China |
Nov 16 | Testing Hadronisation Models with the CEPC [pdf] | Precision Physics at CEPC, IHEP, Beijing, CN |
Nov 12 - 15 | (International program committee) Discussion on QCD White Paper(s) for CEPC [pdf] | The 2018 International Workshop on High Energy Circular Electron Positron Collider, IHEP, Beijing, CN |
Nov 6-7 | Shower and Hadronisation Uncertainties for Precision Top Physics (Vidyo) [pdf] | CMS Top Workshop, CERN, CH |
Sep 25 | (Outreach) The Large Hadron Collider [pdf] [podcast audio] | Sydney Ideas, Abercrombie Business School LT 1040 (H70), Codrington St, U of Sydney, AUS |
Aug 5 | Poster on "Particle Physics" [pdf] | Open Day, Monash U, AUS |
Jul 23 - 27 | (Chair Organiser) | 12th MCnet Summer School, Prato, I |
Jun 26 | (Outreach) The Large Hadron Collider [pdf] | School of Physics & Astronomy Public Lecture, Monash U, AUS |
Apr 18 - 21 | (Organiser) | 12th MC4BSM Workshop, Durham, UK |
Apr 10 - 12 | Interacting Strings: A Type II Model (with C. Duncan) | 17th MCnet network meeting, CERN, CH |
Mar 17 - Mar 24 | 53rd Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, I | |
Jan 15 - 19 | Precision QCD at FCC-ee (Slides presented by D. d'Enterria) [pdf] | 2nd FCC Physics Workshop, CERN, CH |
Dec 15 | QCD and gamma gamma (Vidyo) [pdf] | FCC-ee Physics Coordination Meeting, CERN, CH |
Nov 21 | 4th CoEPP/CAASTRO Workshop - Challenging Dark Matter, Barossa Valley, South Australia | |
Aug 28 - 01 Sep | LHC@Home: a BOINC-based volunteer computing infrastructure for physics studies at CERN (presented by I. Zacharov) [pdf] | BOINC: Fundamental & Applied Science & Technology (BOINC:FAST 2017), Petrozavodsk, RU |
Jul 3 - 7 | Introduction to Event Generators: set of 4 lectures | 11th MCnet School, Lund U, Sweden |
Jun 15 | Exploring the extremes of the underlying event [pdf] | Collective Effects in small collision systems, CERN, CH |
Jun 13 | Status of NLO Antenna Showers [pdf] | TH Institute on LHC and the Standard Model: Physics and Tools, CERN, CH |
May 11 - 13 | (Organiser) Slides on Automated Shower Uncertainties in PYTHIA 8 [pdf] (presented by N. Desai) | 11th Workshop on Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond-the-Standard-Model Physics (MC4BSM), SLAC, CA |
Feb 20 - 24 | CoEPP Annual Workshop, Adelaide, AUS | |
Jan 16 - 20 | QCD at FCC-ee (Vidyo) [pdf] | 1st FCC Physics Workshop, CERN, CH |
8 Dec | Next-to-leading-order parton showers | Informal Seminar, Theoretical Physics, Lund U, S |
Nov 27 - 2 Dec | (Organiser) | 8th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI@LHC 2016), San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico |
Nov 23 - 25 | Pythia Overview: 2013-2016 [pdf] | 14th MCnet Workshop, CERN, CH |
Nov 21 - 22 | (Chair Organiser) Summary of Detector Requirements [pdf] | Parton Radiation and Fragmentation from LHC to FCC-ee, CERN, CH |
Nov 8 | Parton shower and hadronisation uncertainties in top physics: How can we do better? [pdf] (Vidyo) | Top physics with 100 fb^-1, CMS Workshop, CERN, CH |
Aug 23 | Understanding Hadronisation at PP Colliders [pdf] | LPC Topic of the Week, Fermilab, IL |
Aug 18 | Strings, Fractals, and Particle Collisions [pdf] | Physics Seminar, U Pittsburgh, PA |
Aug 3 - 10 |
1. VINCIA for Hadron Colliders (15'+5') [pdf] 2. Poster on "QCD and Gamma-Gamma Studies at FCC-ee" [pdf] |
38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2016), Chicago, USA |
Jul 20 - 24 | (Organiser) | 10th Workshop on Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond-the-Standard-Model Physics (MC4BSM), UCAS-YuQuan, Beijing |
Jul 4 - 8 | (Organiser) | 24th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2016), Melbourne, AUS |
Jun 27 - Jul 1 | Monte Carlos and New Physics: set of 3 Lectures | Pre-SUSY School, Melbourne, AUS |
Jun 15 | Tips for Successful Publishing [pdf] | Early-Career Workshop, Monash U, AUS |
May 6 | Fractals, Strings, and Particle Collisions [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, Adelaide U, AUS |
May 3 | (Outreach) From Quarks to Haystacks [pdf] | High School Talk, John Monash Science School, Melbourne, AUS |
Feb 26 | 1-day Crash Course on C++, for physics students [pdf] | Introduction to Scientific Computing, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Feb 14 - 19 | CoEPP Annual Workshop, Torquay, Victoria, AUS | |
Jan 11 - 12 | Status of Pythia 8 (talk presented by S. Mrenna) [pdf] | ATLAS-CMS Monte Carlo Generators Workshop, CERN |
Dec 7 - 11 | (Outreach) Introduction and Welcome [pdf] | 2015 International Student Science Fair, John Monash Science School, Monash U., Melbourne |
Nov 19 - 20 | LPCC LHC UEMBWG Meeting, CERN, CH | |
Oct 12 - 13 | (Organiser) | Workshop on High-Precision Alpha_S measurements: from LHC to FCC-ee, CERN |
Oct 7 - 9 | Updated PYTHIA forecasts for 100 TeV [pdf] | QCD, EW, and Tools at 100 TeV, CERN |
Oct 1-2 | Particle Physics Phenomenology [pdf] | Spring School on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Sydney U. |
Sep 16 | (Outreach) The Meaning of Fundamental [pdf] | Science Snippets, Monash U, Melbourne |
Aug 21 | (Outreach) Introduction to "Particle Fever" [pdf] | Monash Campus Cinema, Monash U, Melbourne |
Aug 18 | (Outreach) Such Stuff as Beams are Made Of [pdf] | New Scientist Live, RMIT, Melbourne, AUS |
Aug 2 | (Outreach) Fundamental Particle Physics (in 10') [pdf] | Open Day, Monash U, Melbourne |
Jun 24 - Jul 8 | QCD and Monte Carlos: set of 3 (1h) lectures | CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, CERN, CH |
Jun 15 - 19 | Coherent Showers for the LHC (talk by N. Fischer) [pdf] | Radcor-Loopfest 2015, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA |
Jun 1 - Jun 10 | Wishlist for QCD/Fragmentation observables from LEP to FCC-ee Working Group on Q/G Discrimination. | Session 1 (SM), Les Houches Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, F |
May 18 - 21 | (Organiser) | 9th Workshop on Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond the Standard Model Physics (MC4BSM), Fermilab, Chicago, USA |
May 11 | Emergent Phenomena in QCD and at the LHC [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, U of Sydney, AUS |
Feb 26 | 1-day Crash Course on C++, for physics students [pdf] | Introduction to Scientific Computing, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Feb 18 - 20 | CoEPP Annual Workshop 2015, Hobart, Tasmania | |
February 16 - 17 | (Organiser) | CoEPP Graduate Summer School 2015, Monash U, Melbourne |
Nov 26 | Emergent Phenomena in QCD and at the LHC [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, U of Melbourne, AUS |
Nov 4 - 17 |
QCD: set of 4 (1h30') lectures |
Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics, Puri, India |
Oct 2 | (Outreach) TEDxCERN @ Monash - Introduction [pdf] | TEDxCERN Webcast, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Aug 21 | On Alpha-Strong Variations in MC Generators [pdf] | ATLAS Physics Modeling Meeting, CERN, CH |
Aug 18 - 22 | Modeling hadronic interactions in HEP MC generators [pdf] | 18th meeting of the International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2014), CERN, CH |
Aug 5 | Unique LHCb observables of importance to constrain MC generator models [pdf] | LHCb physics meeting, CERN, CH |
Jul 24 | On alpha-strong variations in MC generators (blackboard talk). Extra slides [pdf] | Collider Cross Talk, CERN, CH |
Jul 23 | PYTHIA Tutorial [pdf] | CERN Summer Student Program, CERN, CH |
Jul 4 | Citizen Cyberlab Meeting, London, UK | |
Jul 3 | Modeling Hadronic Interactions in PYTHIA [pdf] | Particle Physics Seminar, Warwick U, Coventry, UK |
Jun 19 - 21 | FCC-ee Workshop, CERN, CH | |
Jun 3 | Introduction and Plans for QCD Jets and Fragmentation Studies [pdf] | FCC-ee WG5 QCD and Gamma-Gamma Physics Meeting, CERN, CH |
May 26 | Event structure and small-x issues at 100 TeV [pdf] | 1st Future Hadron Collider Workshop, CERN, CH |
May 19 - 23 | PYTHIA 8 Tutorial [pdf] | 8th Workshop on Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond the Standard Model Physics (MC4BSM), Daejeon, South Korea |
May 16 | Mitigation of Pileup Effects at the LHC, CERN, CH | |
May 9 | The Monash 2013 tune of PYTHIA 8.1 [pdf] | CMS Physics Comparisons and Generator Tunes Meeting, CERN, CH |
Apr 2 | (Outreach) From Quarks to Quasars [pdf] | High School Visit (Christianshavns Gymnasium), CERN, CH |
Mar 31 - Apr 2 | Activities at CERN [pdf] | 10th MCnet Meeting, CERN, CH |
Mar 10 - 14 | Event Generator Physics: set of 6 (45') lectures | Terascale Monte Carlo School, DESY, Hamburg, DE |
Feb 19-20 | The Monash 2013 Tune of PYTHIA 8 [pdf] | Forward Physics Workshop, CERN, CH |
Feb 14 | Modelling of interplay between hard and soft processes in pp [pdf] | Workshop on Centrality in p-Pb collisions, CERN, CH |
Feb 12-15 | Topics for QCD modeling studies at an FCC-ee (FCC-ee WG5 kickoff) [pdf] | Future Circular Colliders Kickoff Meeting, U Geneva, CH |
Jan 21 - 23 | Soft QCD: Theory [pdf] | Boston Jet Physics Workshop, MIT, Boston, MA |
Jan 20 | (Outreach) From Quarks to Quasars [pdf] | High School Visit (Roskilde Gymnasium), CERN, CH |
Nov 26 | Modeling an LHC Collision | Theory Seminar, Melbourne U, AUS |
Nov 21 | Modeling an LHC Collision [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Nov 19 | PYTHIA Tutorial and Informal Seminar [pdf] | Exp+Th Meeting, Sydney U, AUS |
Nov 6 - Nov 8 | Theory Retreat, Les Houches, F | |
Oct 18 | Physics and Generator Tuning [pdf] | CMS Physics Comparisons and Generator Tunes Meeting, CERN, CH |
Sep 29 - Oct 4 |
Event Generator Physics: set of 2 lectures + tutorial 0. Abstract [pdf] 1. Parton Showers and Matching [pdf] 2. Hadronization and the Underlying Event [pdf] 3. Tutorial [pdf] |
Ecole Joliot Curie summer school, Frejus, F |
Sep 7 - 12 |
Parton Shower Monte Carlos (1 lecture + tutorial) 1. Lecture [pdf] 2. Tutorial [pdf] |
LHCPhenoNet Summer School, Cracow, PL |
Aug 28 - Sep 6 | Summary Slides [pdf] | Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2013 (HCPSS13), CERN, CH |
Aug 26 - 27 | Discussion on High-Mass Diffraction [pdf] | LHC Forward Physics Working Group Meeting, CERN, CH |
Jul 18 | (Outreach) Virtual Atom Smashers [pdf] | High School Teachers Program, CERN, CH |
Jul 15 - 17 | NLO and Helicity Amplitudes in VINCIA [pdf] | Parton Showers and Resummation, IPPP, Durham, UK |
May 13 - June 7 | Monte Carlos and how to improve them (blackboard talk) [video] | Exploring TeV Scale New Physics with LHC Data, KITP, Santa Barbara, CA |
Apr 22-23 | (Outreach) Virtual Colliders for Citizen Scientists [pdf] | Citizen Cyberscience Workshop, U of Geneva, CH |
Apr 19 | Interleaved Evolution with NLO- and Helicity-Amplitudes [pdf] | Friday Phenomenology Seminar, CERN, CH |
Feb 21-22 | Cross sections and event characteristics for minimum bias events at 30-100 TeV range [pdf] | Joint Snowmass-EuCARD/AccNet-HiLumi LHC meeting 'Frontier Capabilities for Hadron Colliders 2013', CERN, CH |
Dec 3 - 7 | Multiple Partonic Interactions at LHC (MPI 2012), CERN, CH | |
Nov 28 | Virtual Colliders [pdf] | Physics Colloquium, Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Nov 26 | (Outreach) From Quarks to Quasars [pdf] | Monash U, Melbourne, AUS |
Nov 12 - 13 | The CERN Pilot Project [pdf] | Citizen Cyberlab, Kickoff Meeting, Paris, F |
Nov 1 | Minijets and multiple parton interactions in pp collisions (blackboard presentation) | Collider Cross Talk, CERN, CH |
Oct 1 - 12 | Antenna Showers with One-Loop Corrections [pdf] | TH Institute on SM at the LHC, CERN, CH |
Sep 27 | Solving the LHC [pdf] | Joint DISCOVERY-HET Seminar, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, DK |
Sep 11 | (Outreach) A Quantum Journey [pdf] | High School Visit, CERN, CH |
Sep 4 | Physics Opportunities with ALFA + ATLAS [pdf] | ALFA + ATLAS Meeting, NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
Aug 23 | Physics Opportunities with ALFA + ATLAS [pdf] | ALFA Collaboration Meeting, CERN, CH |
July 23 - 27 | Event-Generator Tutorial | MCnet-LPCC Summer School, CERN, CH |
July 16 - 20 | Computer Physics in Particle Physics: set of 2 lectures + tutorial 1. Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods [pdf] 2. Monte Carlo Generators for Particle Physics [pdf] 3. PYTHIA 8 Tutorial [pdf] | 2nd African School on Fundamental Physics and its Applications, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana |
June 18 - 21 | 1. The Pythia event generator [pdf] 2. PYTHIA 8 Tutorial [pdf] | TOOLS 2012, Stockholm, S |
June 4 - 8 | Introduction to QCD: set of 5 lectures [Lecture Notes] 1. Fundamentals of QCD [pdf] 2. Jets and Fixed-Order QCD [pdf] [YouTube] 3. Monte Carlo Generators [pdf] [YouTube] 4. Matching at LO and NLO [pdf] [YouTube] 5. QCD in the Infrared [pdf] [YouTube] | TASI Summer School, Boulder, CO |
May 14 | QCD in the era of the LHC: theory and practice [pdf] | CP3-Origins Distinguished Lecture, Odense, DK |
May 2-4 | ttbar asymmetries in event generators (presented by J. Winter) [pdf] | Top physics workshop, CERN, CH |
Apr 25 | Pythia: Past and Present [pdf] | Particle Physics Seminar, Stockholm U, S |
Apr 24 | QCD in the era of the LHC: Theory and Practice [pdf] | Oskar Klein Colloquium, Stockholm U, S |
Apr 10 - 13 | Soft Physics Models [pdf] | Standard Model @ LHC 2012, NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
Mar 29 | New Developments in Parton Showers [pdf] | U Chicago, IL |
Mar 22 - 24 | MC Overview [pdf] | Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond-the-Standard-Model Physics (MC4BSM) 2012, Cornell U, Ithaca, NY |
Jan 25 | Non-perturbative QCD effects and the top mass [pdf] | TOPLHCWG Meeting, CERN |
Jan 9 - 11 | Higgs Searches - Sensitivity to Hadronization, Underlying Event, Pile-up, and MC tunings [pdf] | Zurich Phenomenology Workshop, Zurich, CH |
Dec 20 | Event Generators and Data: Showers, Matching, and Tuning [pdf] | ATLAS CERN Group Meeting, Thoiry, F |
Dec 6 | Constraints on MC models from forward observables [pdf] | TOTEM Collaboration Meeting, CERN, CH |
Nov 21 - 25 | 1.Lessons from the early LHC data for MC tuning (PYTHIA) [pdf] 2.MPI and Diffraction in PYTHIA [pdf] | Multiple Partonic Interactions at LHC (MPI 2011), DESY, Hamburg, D |
Nov 14 - 18 | Soft Phenomenology (theory) [pdf] | Hadron Collider Physics Symposium (HCP2011), Paris, F |
Nov 15 - 17 | VINCIA meeting, Saclay, Paris, F | |
Nov 2 - 4 | My work, in 5 minutes | Theory Retreat, Les Houches, F |
Oct 28 | The Structure of an LHC Collision | Thoiry Workshop, Thoiry, F |
Oct 10 - Oct 21 | New Developments in Parton Showers [pdf] | High-Energy QCD after the start of the LHC, GGI, Florence, I |
Aug 01 - Sep 2 | A New Formalism for Multileg LO Matching [pdf] | TH-LPCC Institute on LHC Physics, CERN, CH |
Jun 17 | The Perugia 2011 Tunes [pdf] | LPCC UE/MB Working Group Meeting, CERN, CH |
Jun 8 - Jun 17 | Tools for New Physics - Kickoff Talk [pdf] Tools and MC Wiki Page | Physics at TeV Colliders, New Physics Session, Les Houches, F |
May 22 - May 26 | VINCIA [pdf] | Boost 2011, Princeton, NJ |
Mar 1-4 | The Underlying-Event Model in Pythia (6&8) [pdf] | Modeling the underlying event and minimum bias events, NW Terascale Workshop, Eugene, OR |
Feb 13 - 18 | PYTHIA (6 & 8) versus pp data at the LHC (20') [pdf] | Winter Workshop on Recent QCD Advances at the LHC, Les Houches, F |
Feb 7 - 8 |
1. PYTHIA8: progress in soft and UE modeling (20') [pdf] 2. mcplots status report (10') [pdf] |
LHC UE/MB WG Meeting, CERN, CH |
Dec 17 | Higher-order corrections to timelike jets | Physics Seminar, Lund, S |
Nov 19 - 20 | Underlying Event from the Tevatron to the LHC (30') (Evo) | Standard Model Benchmarks at the Tevatron and LHC, Fermilab, IL |
Nov 4 | My work, in 2 slides | CERN Theory Group Retreat, Thoiry, F |
Sep 27 - Oct 1 | The Structure of MB and UE events (25'+5') | QCD at the LHC, ECT*, Trento, I |
Sep 22 - 24 | QCD in the LHC Era / Bryanfest, Cambridge, UK | |
Sep 6 - 7 | MB Energy Scaling and PYTHIA update | LHC UE/MB WG Meeting, CERN, CH |
Aug 1 - 21 | 1st African School on Fundamental Physics and its Applications, Stellenbosch, ZA | |
Jul 19 - 31 |
Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders and Monte
Carlo tools for Collider Physics: set of 3 lectures 1. Introduction to QCD phenomenology 2. Monte Carlo Event Generators 3. Matching and Tuning |
Cargese Summer School: From Tevatron To LHC, Corsica, F |
Jul 15 | Introduction to PYTHIA 8 | Caltech CMS Meeting (EVO), Caltech/CERN |
Jun 21 - Jul 9 | Perturbative higher-order effects at work at the LHC, CERN, CH | |
Jun 20 - Jul 3 |
Quantum Chromo-Dynamics: set of 6 lectures 1. Fundamentals 2. The Ultraviolet 3. The Infrared 4. Monte Carlo Event Generators 5. Jets and Matching 6. PYTHIA 8 kickstart |
European School of High Energy Physics 2010, Raseborg, Finland |
Jun 14 | Theoretical Physics: Monte Carlo Development and Tuning | Grid Users Meeting, Fermilab, IL (EVO) |
Jun 2 | PYTHIA 8: Physics and Technical Aspects | LHCb Simulations Workshop, CERN, CH |
May 31 - Jun 4 | From Partons to Pions (25+5) | Planck 2010, CERN, CH |
May 31 - Jun 1 | (Highly) Tentative Conclusions based on the Early LHC Data | LHC UE/MB WG Meeting, CERN, CH |
Apr 14-16 |
1. From Partons to Pions 2. FeynRules Quickstart 3. Pythia Tutorial Instructions 4. Pythia Tutorial Tarball |
5th MC4BSM, NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
Mar 29 - Apr 2 |
1. News in PYTHIA 6 2. Towards an operational definition of diffraction 3. Report on MC4BSM |
LHC Readiness Workshop, CERN, CH |
Mar 25 | Using Data to Constrain Models | ATLAS SUSY WG / Theory Meeting, CERN, CH |
Mar 18 | Theory Lessons from the Early LHC Runs and Recommendations from the UE/MB Working Group Meeting | CMS Physics Week, CERN, CH |
Mar 1-2 | Min-Bias Models - the Modeling of SD, DD, and ND | Minimum-Bias and Underlying-Event Working Group Meeting, CERN, CH |
Feb 15 | Theory Lessons from the First LHC Runs at O(1 TeV) | CMS Joint Generators/QCD Meeting, CERN , CH |
Feb 4 | Hidden Valley Showers | BSM Forum, CERN, CH |
Jan 29 | Theory Lessons from the First LHC Runs at O(1 TeV) | ATLAS Generators Meeting, CERN, CH |
Jan 27 | Theory Lessons from the First LHC Runs at O(1 TeV) | LHCb Flavor Physics Meeting, CERN, CH |
Jan 21-22 | Theory Lessons from the First LHC Runs at O(1 TeV) | DISCOVERY Inauguration, NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
Jan 12-14 | Some Theory lessons from the O(1 TeV) LHC runs | 7th MCnet Network Meeting, CERN, CH |
Oct 19 | EPOS-PYTHIA correspondence | CERN Heavy Ion Forum, CERN, CH |
Oct 8 | ASP2010 - Meeting of the Intl Org Committee, CERN, CH | |
Sep 21 | Towards Precision Collider Phenomenology | Lunchtime Seminar, U Chicago, IL |
Sep 3 | Towards a Phenomenology of Everything [ppt] | Theory Seminar, Fermilab, IL |
Aug 24-28 | Welcome | Week on Jets, Fermilab, IL |
Aug 14 | Theory Talk [ppt] | Joint LHC Underlying-Event / Minimum-Bias Meeting, CERN, CH |
Aug 6 - 7 | PDF4LHC, CERN, CH | |
Aug 5 - 15 | TH Institute on SM and BSM Physics at the LHC, CERN, CH | |
Jul 1-4 | Pythia-8 Tutorial | 3rd MCnet Monte Carlo School, Lund, S |
Jun 28-29 | Coordinator's Report - Training Progress Report [ppt] | MCnet Midterm Review / 6th MCnet annual meeting, Lund, S |
Jun 8-17 |
Tools and Monte Carlo WG Wiki Page
1. Opening Talk for the Monte Carlo (MC) Working Group: SM issues, Theory [ppt] 2. Summary Talk for the Monte Carlo (MC) Working Group: SM issues, Theory + Experiment [ppt] 3. Tuning: intro [ppt] |
Physics at TeV Colliders 2009 - Session 1, Les Houches, F |
May 27- Jun 5 | (see talk by G. Corcella) | TH Institute on Top quark physics, CERN, CH |
May 7 | (Outreach) Information Resources - A User Perspective [ppt] | 3rd HEP Information Resource Summit, Fermilab, IL |
May 3 | (Outreach) A Quantum Journey [ppt] [pdf] | Ask-a-Scientist Lecture, Fermilab, IL |
Apr 27-29 |
1. Welcome and Exhortation [ppt] 2. Theory Models of Hadron Collisions [ppt] 3. Extrapolations to LHC: theory [ppt] |
Mini-workshop on Energy Scaling, Fermilab, IL |
Apr 9 | Towards Precision Models of Collider Physics [ppt] | RPM, LBNL, Berkeley, CA |
Apr 6 | Towards Precision Models of Collider Physics [ppt] | HEP Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, CA |
Apr 1-4 | 1.
Les Houches Accords and Modularity [ppt] 2. Teach-Yourself-Pythia Tutorial Instructions [pdf] 3. Tarball with tutorial files [tgz] |
4th MC4BSM / HEFTI Workshop, UC Davis, CA |
Mar 20 | New Features in Pythia v6.420 [ppt] [pdf] | ATLAS Higgs-to-gamma-gamma Meeting, CERN, CH (EVO) |
Mar 17 | Towards Precision Models of Collider Physics [ppt] | HETG Seminar, Harvard U, Cambridge, MA |
Feb 23-27 |
1. Modeling the Underlying Event [ppt] [pdf] 2. Higher-Order Aspects of Parton Showers [ppt] |
Northwest Terascale Workshop, U of Oregon, Eugene, OR |
Feb 8-14 | Theoretical Understanding of QCD at Hadron Colliders [ppt] | Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen, CO |
Jan 28 | A Complete Idiot's Guide to Hadron Collisions [ppt] | HEP Seminar, Cornell U, Ithaca, NY |
Jan 14 | CDF/D0 Top Mass Systematics Meeting, CDF Theater, Fermilab, IL |
Dec 10 | Towards precision models of collider physics [ppt] | HEP Seminar, U of Pittsburg, PA |
Nov 19 | Probing the Underlying Event with Strangeness and Baryons [pdf] | LHCb Flavour Physics WG Meeting, CERN, Geneva, CH |
Nov 5 | From Min-Bias at the Tevatron to the Underlying Event at the LHC | ATLAS MC Meeting, CERN, Geneva, CH |
Oct 27-31 |
Color Connections, Multijets [ppt] (see also presentation by H. Hoeth [pdf]) |
First International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC Perugia, I |
Oct 7-10 | Towards Multi-Leg Matching with Loops [pps] | High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC, Buenos Aires, AR |
Sep 15-19 | Beyond the Standard Model: from the Tevatron to the LHC, Fermilab, Chicago, IL | |
Aug 11-16 | Pythia-8 Tutorial | CTEQ/MCnet Summer School on QCD Phenomenology and MC Generators, Debrecen, H |
Jul 24 | Underlying-Event Models for the LHC - Part II | PhenClub, CERN, Geneva, CH |
Jul 6-10 | Underlying-Event Models in Herwig and Pythia | Low X Meeting, Kolimpari, Crete, G |
Jun 30- Jul 04 |
MC for BSM with Pythia 8 (presented by S. Ask) [pdf] | Tools 2008, Munich, D |
Jun 12-14 |
1. Monte Carlo Tools for BSM Physics 2. Matching Parton Showers to Matrix Elements |
TeV Scale Physics and Dark Matter, Nordita, Stockholm, S |
Jun 5 | Underlying-Event Models for the LHC (joint with M. Seymour) | PhenClub, CERN, Geneva, CH |
May 30 | Monte Carlos and Hadronization - Models and Questions | New Ideas on Hadronization, RAL, Oxford, UK |
May 26-30 | Hera LHC Workshop, CERN, Geneva, CH | |
May 18-24 |
Non-perturbative QCD Effects and the Top Mass at the Tevatron [pdf] (presented by D. Wicke) |
TOP 2008, La Biodola, Elba, I |
Apr 29 | Time-like showers and matching with antennae | Theory Seminar, DESY, Hamburg, D |
Apr 28 | QCD Phenomenology at Hadron Colliders | Joint Th/Exp HEP Seminar, NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
Apr 17 | Time-like showers and matching with antennae | Theoriekolloqium, U. Karlsruhe, D |
Apr 16 | Designer Showers and Subtracted Matrix Elements | Particle Theory Seminar, U. Freiburg, D |
Apr 1 | Time-Like Showers and Matching With Antennae | Particle Physics Seminar, ETH, Zurich, CH |
Mar 10-11 | MC4BSM-3, CERN, Geneva, CH | |
Feb 22-23 | PDF4LHC, CERN, CH | |
Jan 8-10 | Time-like showers and matching with antennae [ppt] [pdf] | 3rd MCnet Meeting, Lund, S |
24 Nov- 01 Dec |
Designer Showers and Subtracted Matrix Elements [ppt] | BSM Higgs Micro workshop, CP3, Louvain-la-Neuve, B |
21 Nov- 23 Nov |
Mini-course on Event Generators: | RWTH, Aachen, D |
31 Oct | Exclusive Fashion: Trends for Spring 2008 [ppt] | Wednesday Seminar, CERN, Geneva, CH |
15 Oct- 26 Oct | Red, Blue, and Green Things with Antennae [ppt] | Galileo Galilei Institute, Arcetri, Florence, I |
11 Oct- 13 Oct | VRVS | USCMS First Physics Workshop, Fermilab, IL |
24 Sep- 28 Sep |
1. Presentation: Atelier Monte Carlo [ppt] 2. Teach-yourself-PYTHIA tutorial instructions [pdf] 3. Tarball with tutorial files [tgz] |
Ecole de Gif, Paris, F |
13 Sep | Discussion on Catani-Seymour showers | PhenClub, CERN, Geneva, CH |
29 Aug | --- Moving to CERN --- | CERN, Geneva, CH |
10 Aug | (Outreach) A Quantum Journey [ppt] | Modern Physics Fair, Fermilab, IL |
20 Jun | VINCIA [ppt] | Generator Meeting (CMS Week), CERN |
11 Jun- 29 Jun |
1. VINCIA [ppt] 2. Some interesting UE/Min-bias distributions [ppt] 3. Remaining Issues for SLHA2 [ppt] 4. Parton Showers for Pedestrians - discussion [ppt] 5. A (double) BSM Accord (summary) [ppt] |
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, F |
08 Jun- 09 Jun | Mini-Workshop on Early CMS Physics, LPC, Fermilab, IL | |
31 May | Preparations for Early LHC Physics: theory [ppt] | Joint Theory-CMS seminar, Fermilab, IL |
18 May- 19 May | VRVS: Fog | Multiple Interactions and Underlying Events workshop, DESY, Hamburg, D |
14 May- 15 May |
1. Hadron Collisions Inside and Out 2. PYTHIA tutorial |
U of Toronto, ON |
10 May- 11 May |
1. Towards Improved Event Generators 2. PYTHIA mini-tutorial 1: Introduction (including list of useful parameters) 3. PYTHIA mini-tutorial 2: Advanced Topics |
Carleton U, Ottawa, ON |
02 May |
Parton Showers and NLO Matrix Elements | Theory Seminar, SLAC, CA |
30 Apr | Towards Improved Event Generators | UOCHEP Seminar, Eugene, OR |
25 Apr | Hadron Collisions Inside and Out | ATLAS forum, SLAC, CA |
23 Apr | Towards Improved Event Generators | HEP Seminar, LBL, Berkeley, CA |
20 Apr | Non-perturbative QCD Effects and the Top Mass | CDF, Fermilab, IL |
16 Apr- 18 Apr | Parton Showers and NLO Matrix Elements | LoopFest VI, Fermilab, IL |
27 Mar | Towards Improved Event Generators | Nuclear Physics Seminar, Yale U, New Haven, CT |
21 Mar- 24 Mar | MC4BSM-2, Princeton, NJ | |
14 Mar | Recent Developments in QCD Collider Phenomenology | Particle Theory Seminar, Johns Hopkins U, Baltimore, MD |
12 Feb- 16 Feb | Monte Carlo Event Generators | Low Emittance Muon Collider Workshop, Fermilab, IL |
8 Jan- 13 Jan | Event Generator Status | 2007 Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen, CO |
16 Dec- 22 Dec |
1. Standard Model Higgs at the LHC [ppt] 2. Event Generators 1 - Fundamentals 3. Event Generators 2 - Advanced Topics |
Topical Meeting on Physics at the LHC, HRI, Allahabad, IN |
27 Nov |
The Theory of Hadron Collisions, Past and Present | SPhT, CEA Saclay, Paris, F |
06 Nov |
Non-Perturbative QCD Effects and the Top Mass | HEP Seminar, U Chicago, IL |
06 Oct |
Non-Perturbative QCD Effects and the Top Mass | Top meetings (D0 and CDF), FNAL, Batavia, IL |
17 Jul- 26 Jul |
1. Heavy Particles and Hard Jets 2. Stringy Uncertainties in Hadron Collisions |
MC4LHC, CERN, Geneva, CH |
14 Jul | Recent Developments in QCD Collider Phenomenology | Phenomenology Seminar, CERN, Geneva, CH |
26 Jun- 28 Jun |
1. The SUSY Les Houches Accord Project 2. SLHA2 Discussion |
Tools 2006, Annecy-le-Vieux, F |
19 Jun- 21 Jun | Vincia and Pythia | LoopFest V, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA |
15 May- 17 May |
1. The Smoking Gun of Baryon Number Violation [pdf] 2. Discussion on "The SUSY Les Houches Accord 2" |
Flavour in the Era of the LHC, CERN, Geneva, CH |
08 May- 12 May | Antenna showers and color annealing | Workshop on Collider Physics, ANL, Chicago, IL |
10 Apr | Towards Precision QCD | HEP Seminar, Northwestern U., Chicago, IL |
4 Apr | Frontiers of Collider Phenomenology | U. Washington, Seattle, WA |
20 Mar- 21 Mar | Introduction and Welcome | MC4BSM, FNAL, Batavia, IL |
10 Mar | Frontiers of Chromodynamics | U. Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
16 Feb- 17 Feb | Power showers, underlying events, and other news in PYTHIA | Strangeness in Collision, BNL, Brookhaven, NY |
16 Feb | Status of the SLHA 2 Project (presented by P. Slavich) | SUSY Meeting, Lyon, F |
07 Feb | Beyond the Terascale with Muons | Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar / Low Emittance Muon Collider Workshop, FNAL, Batavia, IL |
06 Feb- 08 Feb | Status of the SLHA 2 Project (presented by S. Heinemeyer) | Flavour in the Era of the LHC, CERN, Geneva, CH |
17 Jan | Looking inside hadron collisions [ppt] | U Florida, Gainesville, FL |
14 Nov | News in PYTHIA 6.3 and SUSY-MADGRAPH [ppt] | CPPM, Marseille, F |
10 Nov | Hadron Collisions, Heavy Particles, and Hard Jets [ppt] | LAPTH, Annecy-le-Vieux, F |
09 Nov | Hadron Collisions, Heavy Particles, and Hard Jets | LPSC, Grenoble, F |
08 Nov | Hadron Collisions, Heavy Particles, and Hard Jets [ppt] [pdf] | U Montpellier II, F |
02 Nov- 05 Nov |
1. Extending the SUSY Les Houches Accord [ppt] 2. Squarks and Gluinos + Jets [ppt] |
SUSY EuroGDR, Barcelona, ES |
20 Oct- 22 Oct | Heavy particles and hard jets: From ttbar at the Tevatron to SUSY at the LHC [ppt] [pdf] | TeV4LHC Workshop, Fermilab, IL |
17 Aug- 18 Aug | VirCol [ppt] | LoopFest IV, Snowmass, CO |
14 Aug- 27 Aug | 1.
QCD Radiation in high-^s final
states [ppt] [pdf] 2. A repository for BSM tools (and other news from Les Houches '05) [ppt] |
International Linear Collider Workshop, Snowmass, CO |
11 Jul |
Looking inside hadron collisions | Lund U, S |
8 Jul |
QCD & Hadron-Hadron Event Generators | U Uppsala, S |
6 Jul |
Looking inside hadron collisions | U Stockholm, S |
27 Jun |
Looking inside hadron collisions | NBI, Copenhagen, DK |
20 Jun |
Looking inside hadron collisions [pdf] | U Chicago, IL |
11 May | BSM Tools - Session 1, + some comments on ttbar+jets [pdf] | CMS Generator Meeting Geneva (CERN), CH |
02 May- 20 May |
1. BSM Tools - Welcome and Introduction [pdf] 2. Physics News in Pythia 6.3 [pdf] 3. Shapes & Sudakovs [pdf] - projects for LH05 4. BSM Tools - Midpoint Summary [pdf] 5. Precision SM Shapes [pdf] 6. SLHA - Status & Planned Extensions [pdf] (flavour day) 7. BSM Tools - Summary [pdf] |
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, F |
02 May- 04 May | Hadron collisions: from the quagmire towards solid ground [pdf] | PHENO 05, Madison, WI |
27 Apr- 01 May | Theory: QCD and MC generators [pdf] | DIS 2005, Madison, WI |
11 Apr |
Looking inside hadron collisions [pdf] | Argonne National Lab, IL |
05 Apr |
Looking inside hadron collisions [pdf] | Rochester, NY |
03 Feb-
05 Feb |
The SUSY Les Houches Accord [pdf] | TeV4LHC Workshop, Brookhaven, NY |
21 Jan |
SUSY Les Houches Accord, and SUSY/BSM news in Pythia [pdf] | CDF Collaboration Meeting, Fermilab, IL |
18 Jan |
Unifying parton showers and underlying events [pdf] | MSU, Lansing, MI |
07 Dec |
1. "Physics news in PYTHIA 6.3" [pdf] 2. "The SUSY Les Houches Accord"[pdf] |
PYTHIA Tutorial, Fermilab, IL |
01 Dec |
"New Showers in PYTHIA" [pdf] | TeV4LHC Workshop, Fermilab, IL |
11 Nov |
"A New Model for Parton Showers and the Underlying Event" [pdf] | Theory Seminar, Fermilab, IL |
22 Oct |
SPA Project, ed. board mtg, Hamburg (DESY), D | |
08 Oct |
1. Ph.D.
Dissertation [pdf] 2. Introduction by Dr. Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) [pdf] |
Lund, S |
06 Oct |
Informal Ph.D. Presentation [pdf] | Lund, S |
17 Sep |
"A New Model for Parton Showers and the Underlying Event" (presented by S. Mrenna) [pdf] |
Workshop, Fermilab, IL |
01 Sep - 04 Sep | 1."Status of the SUSY Les Houches Accord" [pdf] [ps.gz] 2."Informal presentation of NMHDecay" [pdf] (extra material for NMHDecay_SLHA: [pdf] (summary slides for SLHA [pdf]) |
LCWS, Durham, GB |
16 Jun - 17 Jun | "Measuring Neutrino Mixing at the LHC" [pdf] | 9th Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Copenhagen (NBI), DK |
12 Mar | "R-Parity Violation and Neutrino Masses" [pdf] [ps] | Mathematical Physics Seminar, Stockholm (KTH), S |
01 Feb - 22 Feb |
Underlying Event" [pdf] WebCam: hi med Audio: hi lo (dwnld) photon+3jet appetizer [.ps.gz] |
Collider 04, Santa Barbara (KITP), CA |
23 Jan | "Susy Les Houches meets SPA" [pdf] | SPA Meeting, Hamburg (DESY), D |
3 Dec | "New Physics at the TeV Scale" | FFD Seminar, Lund, S |
28 Nov - 29 Nov |
1. "A New Model for Multiple Interactions" 2. "The SUSY Les Houches Accord" |
8th Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Lund, S |
13 Nov - 16 Nov |
1. "The SUSY Les Houches Accord" 2. "The Smoking Gun of Baryon Number Violation" 3. "A New Model for Multiple Interactions" |
1st ECFA LC Workshop, Montpellier, F |
15 Oct | "Multiple Interactions" | Student seminar, Lund |
18 Sep | "Report from HEP 2003" | Lund |
31 Jul | "Decay Tables" [pdf] | LCG meeting, Geneva (CERN) |
17 Jul - 23 Jul | "Progress on multiple interactions in hadron-hadron collisions" [ps] | EPS 2003, Aachen |
7 Jul - 2 Aug |
1. "BSM in PYTHIA 6.3" [pdf] 2. "SUSY Spectrum Interface" [pdf] 3. "Introduction to the SUSY Decay Packages session" [pdf] 4. "Multiple Interactions in PYTHIA 6.3" [pdf] |
Monte Carlo tools for the LHC, Geneva (CERN) |
26 May - 6 Jun |
1. "The SUSY interface project" [ps.gz] 2. "Model for underlying events in PYTHIA" |
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches |
27 Feb | "The mystery of SS433" | THEP, Lund |
11 Feb | CLIC Physics meeting, CERN | |
21 Jan | "Superstring Phenomenology" | THEP, Lund |
14 Nov | ![]() |
UNF, København |
13 Nov | Can LHC obtain direct evidence for SUSY with BNV? | 6th Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Uppsala |
31 Oct | Supersymmetry - what it is and where we are | NBI, Copenhagen |
17 Sep | Introduction to Supersymmetry and current status | THEP, Lund |
18 Aug - 24 Aug | PSI Summer School 02, Zuoz | |
6 Jul - 11 Jul | String Pheno 02, Oxford | |
19 Jun | Baryon Number Violation and String Hadronization | SUSY02, Hamburg (DESY) |
25. May | Baryon Number Violating SUSY Decays | 5th Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Helsinki |
23. Apr. | ![]() |
UNF, Odense |
4 Jan - 10 Jan | Spåtind 02, Norway | |
19. Feb. | Extracting Charged and Neutral Current Structure Functions | THEP, Lund |
24. Nov. | L-Violating Supersymmetry - Preliminary studies and PYTHIA 6.2 | 4th Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Stockholm |
23. Oct. | Some Remarks on Exclusive Rare B Decays | THEP, Lund |
28. Sep. | The Proton in SUSY GUTs and LHC Searches for L-Violation | NBI Institute Colloquium, Copenhagen |
21. Sep. | The Proton in SUSY GUTs and LHC Searches for L-Violation | Master's Colloquium, Lund |
27. Apr. | Supersymmetry and the life and death of the proton | NIPHAD meeting, Amsterdam (NIKHEF) |
16. Mar. - 17. Mar. | 1. Rare semileptonic B decays - Bd->K(*)l+l-,
Bs->eta l+l-, Bs->phi l+l- 2. Did R-conservation kill the proton? |
3rd Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Oslo |
8. Mar. | Protecting the proton from Supersymmetry - Discrete symmetries in Supersymmetry, and their Implications for Grand Unification and Supersymmetric Dark Matter | Aspects of Fundamental Physics, Copenhagen (NBI) |
1. Mar. | Supersymmetry - and the Life and Death of the Proton | Master's Colloquium, Copenhagen (NBI) |
8 Feb- 10 Feb | 1st Scandinavian Neutrino Workshop, Uppsala | |
Oct 1- Oct 8 | School on Violation of CP Symmetry and Related Processes, Prerow | |
8 Sep | Extracting the angle gamma of the Unitarity Triangle from Bd/s->J/psi eta decays. Experimental prospects for Bd/s->J/psi eta and Bd/s->eta l+l- | 2nd Nordic LHC Physics Workshop, Copenhagen (NBI) |
9. Jul. | Introduction to the Neutrino Physics Study Group | Summer Student Programme, CERN |
25. Apr. | Searching for New Physics with B mesons | NBI Student Colloquium, Copenhagen |
6. Mar. |
![]() |
Blaagaards Lærerseminarium, København |
List of Acronyms:BNV : Baryon Number Violation.BSM : Beyond the Standard Model. CLIC : Compact Linear Collider. DESY : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron. ECFA : European Commission for Future Accelerators. EPS : European Physical Society. FCC : Future Circular Collider. FNAL : Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. GUT : Grand Unified Theory. HEP : High Energy Physics. KTH : Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. LC : Linear Collider. LCG : LHC Computing Grid project. LHC : Large Hadron Collider. LO : Leading Order MC : Monte Carlo MPI : Multiple Parton Interactions NBI : Niels Bohr Institute. NLO : Next-to-Leading Order NNLO : Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order PYTHIA : The name of the priestesses of Apollo's temple at Delphi. Seated on a tripod above a crack in the earth, she went into a trance by the stupefying vapors rising from the earth and by chewing laurel leaves. From the incoherent babbling which the priestess spoke in her ecstasy, the temple priests formulated the oracle. QCD : Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of the strong nuclear force. SLAC : Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SLHA : Supersymmetry Les Houches Accord. SM : Standard Model. SPA : Supersymmetry Parameter Analysis. SUSY : Supersymmetry. THEP : Theoretical High Energy Physics. UNF : Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening. VINCIA : Virtual Numerical Collider with Interleaved Antennae VRVS : Virtual Room Videoconferencing System. |