Note: Click on names for a description of research
projects / list of papers
PhD Students
- Giacomo Morgante (started 2024). Giacomo obtained his
honours degree from Monash, and continued on to do PhD studies. His
research work focuses on QED radiation in decays of B hadrons.
- Javira Altmann (started 2022). Javira obtained her honours degree from Monash, and continued on to do PhD studies. Her research work focuses on aspects of string fragmentation and antenna showers in high-energy collisions.
- Dr Christian Preuss (completed 2021/22 → post doc at ETH, Zurich). Christian came to Monash
with an MSc in physics from Göttingen University. The title of his PhD thesis was
"Improving the Efficiency and Accuracy in Monte-Carlo Event Generation".
- Dr Cody
Duncan (completed 2020 → post doc at KIT,
Germany). Cody came to Monash with an Hons
degree in physics from Oxford University, and an MSc in physics
from Edinburgh University. His PhD projects focused on models of
non-perturbative physics in the Herwig and Pythia event
- Dr
Nadine Fischer
(completed 2017 → employed at Arm). Nadine came to Monash with an MSc in physics from Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT). The title of her PhD thesis was "Improved QCD
Calculations and Phenomenological Studies at the Large Hadron
Honours Students
- Jade Abidi (2025): "String phenomenology beyond the Lund
- Claire Bergman (2025): "String closepacking: from a
puggle to an echidna".
- Giacomo Morgante (2023): QED Antenna Showers in Hadron Decays. Continued with PhD studies at Monash.
- Wilton Deany (2022/23): Antenna Showers with Jet Recoils.
- Michael Deimetry (2022): Automated Uncertainty Variations in the Antenna Formalism of Parton Showers. Continued with PhD studies at Monash.
- Thomas Garnett (2022): "Improvements to the treatment of gluons within QCD-CR Junctions."
- Javira Altmann (2021): "Close Packing of Lund Strings and its Effects on Strangeness Enhancement". Continued with PhD studies at Monash.
- Shay Payne (2020): "A Comparative Study of Coherence
Effects in Weak Boson Fusion processes". Honours work subsequently incorporated into a publication in SciPost. Continued with Masters studies at RMIT, Melbourne.
- Samuele Ferrucci (2020): "Thermal Quark-Antiquark Pair Production". Continued with Masters studies at Uppsala University.
- Nicholas
Hunt-Smith (2019): "String Fragmentation with a
Time-Dependent Tension". Honours work subsequently incorporated into a publication in EPJC. Continued with PhD studies at University of Adelaide.
- Ivan Begic (2019): "A Coherent Treatment of QCD Radiation
from Supersymmetric Quarks in the Antenna Shower Formalism". Accepted for MSc studies at University of Bern, Switzerland.
- Shi Qiu (2016; jointly supervised with Prof
C. Balazs): "Uncertainties of the photon flux from dark matter annihilation". Continued with MSc studies at Lund
University, Sweden.
- Andrew Lifson (2015):
"Maximally Helicity Violating amplitudes".
Honours work subsequently incorporated into
a publication in EPJC. Continued
with MSc studies at ETH Zurich / Paris, then PhD Studies at Lund University, Sweden.
PHS3350 Research Projects
- Caitlyn Smith (2024/25): "Applying Group Theory to Hadronization" [Presentation Slides].
- Claire Bergman (2024): "Heavy-Flavour Baryons at the Large Hadron Collider". Continued with honours studies at Monash.
- Wilton Deany (2022): "Optimizations of Monte Carlo Veto Algorithms for Antenna Showers". Continued with honours studies at Monash.
- Benjamin Sagar (2021): "Run-time studies of the hadronisation of b quarks".
- Megha Sharma (2020): "Exploring the Propagator Structure of Parton Showers".
- Sean Solari (2020): "Crossing Relations for Double-Gluon Emission Antenna Functions".
Osborn (2019): "Fourier Analysis of Radiation
from Short-Lived Heavy Particles" - investigations of the
relation between the exponential decay of short-lived particles
(resonances), their Breit-Wigner distribution in momentum space,
and the effects of finite lifetimes on soft (long-wavelength)
radiation, focusing on the top quark. Co-supervised by
Dr. H. Brooks.
- Sophie
Li (2018): "Reparametrisation of the Lund
symmetric fragmentation function" - a set of highly correlated
parameters used in conventional string-based models of
hadronisation are transformed to a set of less correlated ones,
using numerical methods.
- Matt
Gebert (2016): "Something Strange? A glance
into Parton Fragmentation" - a review of the Lund String Model
of hadronisation and the Schwinger Model in QCD in light of
recent ALICE measurements of strange particle enhancements in
high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC.
- Scott
Crawshaw (2016): "Detector resolution effects in
jet fragmentation studies" - estimating the influence of (improved) detector
resolutions on measurements of QCD jet rates at two proposed future ee colliders.
- Eike Germann (2016): "Possible uncertainty ranges for
the underlying event in particle collisions at 100 TeV"
An example of a rough marking breakdown I've used for recent PHS3350
project evaluations is:
- Abstract: 7%.
- Introduction, theory & background (incl. experimental
context): 25%.
- Details of project work & extent and quality of results
obtained: 25%.
- Analysis & conclusions: 18%.
This includes aspects such as discussion of results, scientific
conclusions, summary, and outlook (incl. experimental context
and/or impact on wider field).
- Scientific writing: 25%. This includes aspects such as clarity,
conciseness, overall language and expression, spelling and
grammar, formatting, referencing
(incl. completeness, appropriateness, and formatting), and
use and quality
(& originality where appropriate) of figures and
Other Student Research Projects
- Zara Rosenberg (Monash PHS2350 project, 2024/25): "Efficient
phase-space generation for Particle Reactions"
- Ethan Carragher (PhD student at Oxford, UK; collaborative
project 2024/25): "String Excitations on an Expanding String".
- Lorenzo Bernardinis (Masters student at Trieste, Italy; collaborative
project 2024 including a 2-week secondment to Oxford): "Strangeness
in Pythia".
- Baris Tuncay (PhD student at Oxford, UK; collaborative
project 2023/24 for ATLAS qualification task): "Precision
Drell-Yan tunes with Pythia and Vincia".
- Rob Verheyen
(PhD student at Nijmegen, NL; collaborative project 2018/19 including
two secondments to Monash): "QED and Electroweak Showers
in the Vincia Antenna Formalism".
- Adil Jueid
(PhD student at Tanger, Morocco; collaborative
project 2016-2018): "Estimating QCD uncertainties in Monte Carlo
event generators for gamma-ray dark matter searches".
- Leonardo
Cristella (PhD student at Bari, Italy; MCnet
studentship at CERN; 2016; jointly supervised by
P. Richardson and L. Field): "Volunteer Computing with
LHC@home" - including Test4Theory jobs in HTCondor and running
intensive workloads with CMS@home.
- Emma
(PhD student at KTH Stockholm, Sweden; MCnet studentship at CERN; 2014): "Developing a set
of jet substructure observables to probe beyond-LL aspects of
QCD showers".
- Jesper Christiansen
(PhD student at Lund, Sweden; MCnet studentship at CERN; 2014): "String
Formation Beyond Leading Colour".
- Andrew Larkoski (PhD student at Stanford, USA; collaborative project 2012, including secondment to CERN): "Helicity-Dependent Showers and Matching with VINCIA"
- Lisa
Hartgring (PhD student at Amsterdam, NL; collaborative
project 2012 including secondment to CERN): "Antenna Showers with One-Loop Matrix Elements".
- Sara Alderweireldt (PhD student at Antwerpen, Belgium; CERN-LPCC Short-Term Student, 2012), project on multi-parton interactions at LHC.
- Barbara Bravi (CERN summer student, 2011), project on event-generator tuning to LEP data.
- Nishita Desai
(PhD student at HRI Allahabad, India; MCnet studentship at CERN; 2010):
"Supersymmetry and Generic BSM Models in PYTHIA 8".
- Holger
Schulz (PhD student at Berlin, Germany; MCnet studentship at CERN; 2010):
"Energy Scaling of Minimum-Bias Tunes".
- Kenneth
Wraight (PhD student at Glasgow, UK; MCnet studentship at CERN; 2010):
"Forward-Backward Correlations and Event Shapes as probes of
Minimum-Bias Event Properties".